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book with confidence

We understand the importance of flexibility and assurance when planning your trip to enable you to book with confidence.

For peace of mind, our flexible promise ensures you can change your flight without change fees* or choose a voucher for future use should you be affected by a new change to regional travel classifications.

Our same great value fare options are still available and of course we have activated our enhanced wellbeing measures to keep you safe every step of your journey.

Our flexible promise

For peace of mind, if there's a new change to regional travel classifications, you are assured of:

Flexibility to move your flight without change fee*, or choose a voucher for future use if you are required to isolate for four nights or more

Refund if no longer legal to travel

Applies to all fares

Blue Sure promise


Frequently Asked Questions

Our flexible promise is an initiative designed to provide all customers with peace of mind and assurance that should your plans be affected by a government change to travel restrictions as we emerge from the Covid 19 pandemic, you can move your flight without a change fee (a fare difference may apply if the new fare is higher than the one paid) or have the value of your ticket as a voucher to be used for future travel. In the event that travel is not legally possible, a refund option would also be available. 

Blue Islands Conditions of Carriage applies to all bookings.

Our flexible promise applies to all bookings with departure dates on or after 14 April 2021. 

Our flexible promise means that if you are due to travel within 14 days and a new change to government regional classification means there would be a need to isolate for four nights or more you can move your flight without a change fee (a fare difference may apply if the new fare is higher than the one paid), or request a voucher for future travel.

If you booked your flight directly with at contact Customer Care via or 01234 589200 with your alternative flight requirements or request for a voucher. If your flight booked your flight via a third-party travel agent please contact your provider directly.

While this scenario is not covered, you can still change your flights. For customers with a Blue Fly fare, there is a £25 change fee, plus a fare difference may apply. For customers who have booked a Blue Plus fare, you can make unlimited changes up to three hours before departure (fare difference may apply). 

All changes can be made via Manage my Booking.

We understand that regional classification affects every customer differently.

With our flexible promise if you are affected by a new government change in regional classification you can change your flight or opt for a voucher providing your flight departs within 14 days and you will need to isolate for four nights or more.

Throughout the pandemic, we have maintained Jersey’s lifeline connectivity allowing essential travel as required. If newly introduced government restrictions applicable to your travel dates make travel illegal then our flexible promise will allow you to change your flight, opt for a voucher or choose a full refund.

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