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Blue Islands. Blue Planet
Greater care for our planet

At Blue Islands, we are committed to balancing our carbon impacts from all flights from January 2022 through Durrell’s Rewild Carbon programme.

Whether it’s connecting families, economic prosperity, sporting achievement or accessing health care, flying enables amazing things to happen, particularly in our isolated islands where travel is essential to our socio-economic wellbeing. However greater care for our planet, in reducing emissions is everyone’s responsibility, and as a transport operator we take our role seriously.

We recognise that while our services are over water, connecting communities with lifeline services, we do need to reduce our impact on the environment. With our heart in the Channel Islands, we’re proud to be able to partner with an organisation that has developed an accountable, transparent and scientific carbon programme that truly delivers, and that is synonymous with Jersey and the talented team at Durrell.

As part of Blue Islands. Blue Planet initiative, and to achieve our eventual target of being a Zero Carbon airline by 2040 we are looking into three key strands of activity. We call them ISO.

We stand for ISO




Improved aircraft efficiency

The aircraft type that we fly are already amongst the most efficient in the world. Data shows that the ATR 72-500 with 70 seats has a fuel burn of 1.42 KG per KM, which equates to just 2.53 Litres of fuel per seat to fly 100 KM. In UK measures that equates to over 111 miles a gallon of fuel, per seat flown. However, we are taking additional steps to reduce emissions such as working with a range of partners developing next generation propulsion and motor technologies including hybrid electric and hydrogen power. Blue Islands is committed to being at the leading edge of these developments.

Other elements of our BluePlanet initiative include optimising schedules to maximise passenger carryings, smart routings, taxing on one engine, minimising power usage on stand, working with ground partners to employ electric vehicles where possible, as well as designing a new on-board service that reduces the impact on the environment.

Sustainable Aircraft Fuels (SAF)

Made from renewable and waste sources, these fuels, known as SAFs, are designed to be used in existing aircraft instead of traditional aviation fuels. This is a developing area but the major oil companies are committed to developing the supply of SAF fuels and Blue Islands will play its part in testing and using these fuels as they become commercially available.

Offsetting emissions

Until such time as new technologies or alternative fuels are widely available for sustainable commercial operations, Blue Islands is committed to balancing the carbon impacts from every Blue Islands flight and has partnered with Jersey based Durrell’s Rewild Carbon programme. The programme has four central pillars: Revive ecosystems; Recover species; Reduce carbon; Rebuild livelihoods. 95% of all monies goes straight to nature. The first project is in the Atlantic rainforest in Brazil. It is a holistic programme covering reforestation, as well as animal and human regeneration to create a sustainable ecosystem in a previously ravaged rainforest area.

From 1 November, £1 from every Blue Islands seat sold will be used to contribute to fully balancing the carbon impacts for every Blue Islands flight.

Watch Durrell's wild, colourful and impactful Rewild Carbon film

Revive ecosystems - Recover species - Reduce carbon - Rebuild livelihoods

If you too would like to thrive as a responsible business, learn more here.

Your questions answered

Yes. Our Blue Planet programme will balance the carbon impacts from every Blue Islands flight and we even hope to be able to go slightly further and become Climate Positive by using surplus contributions to go beyond our footprint.

We recognise this alone is not enough, our eventual goal of becoming a Zero Carbon airline will take some time and may only come with technological change – but we are working on that!

We know that our passengers and our stakeholders have an expectation that we find a partner of impeccable quality with clear, well rounded, and sustainable goals. We have partnered with the world renowned, Jersey based Durrell Wildlife Conservation Trust, a with all of the money raised going to support its Rewild Carbon an accountable, transparent and scientific programme,

We analyse the fuel used for every single flight and calculate the contribution required to be carbon neutral. Any surplus collected will enable Blue Islands to go beyond its footprint as it strives to be Climate Positive.

Estimated Fuel Burn by flight (KG) x KG of CO2 produced per KG of aviation fuel burnt = KG CO2 produced per flight

No, we will fully balance our carbon impacts for all Blue Islands flights, as well as separately meeting our obligations under EU ETS.

Our £1 carbon contribution charge per customer is calculated to balance the carbon impact for the flight, regardless of the number of passengers on board.

With every customer contributing to balance the carbon impacts for every flight, we have calculated a simple £1 carbon contribution charge for all routes across our network. If there is a surplus, this will be used to help Blue Islands to become Climate Positive.

The Rewild Carbon programme simultaneously addresses CLIMATE change, supports local COMMUNITIES and conserves BIODIVERSITY with four central pillars: Revive ecosystems; Recover species; Reduce carbon; Rebuild livelihoods

95% off all money received by Durrell's Rewild Carbon programme goes straight to nature

Carefully designed, the Rewild Carbon programme aims to: a) restore large forest corridors in public and private lands to promote connectivity between existing forest fragments and protected areas in the Brazilian Atlantic Forest; b) promote the occupation of the restored and connected forest areas by the local fauna; c) promote more sustainable land use practices for small and largescale farmers in rural areas; d) improve small farmers livelihoods and e) sequester carbon. For more information, please see

We recognise that while balancing our carbon impact is not a long-term solution, we will contribute any surplus (where the monies collected exceeds the sum required to balance all flights) towards being Climate Positive. In the medium term, Blue Islands will seek to utilise next generation technologies and in the long-term become a Zero Carbon airline.

  • Turboprop aircraft are optimised for short, regional flights at relatively low altitude, versus jet aircraft which are more efficient on longer flights at higher altitude. Blue Islands’ fleet comprises entirely of ATR aircraft, which is the most environmentally efficient turboprop in its class.
  • Optimising schedules to maximise passenger carryings
  • Smart routings
  • Taxing on one engine
  • Minimising power usage on stand
  • Working with ground handling partners to employ electric vehicles where possible
  • We are designing a new on-board service that also reduces the impact on the environment

Blue Islands primarily serves island communities and over 95% of our flights are over water. Train and road alternatives are not an option. However, we do operate one of the most efficient aircraft in the skies at the moment – the ATR 72. Data shows that the ATR 72-500 with 70 seats has a fuel burn of 1.42 KG per KM, which equates to just 2.53 Litres of fuel per seat to fly 100 KM. In UK measures that equates to over 111 miles per seat for a gallon of fuel flown. This is better than most hybrid cars, assuming a single driver. However, we are taking additional steps to reduce emissions such as working with a range of partners developing new propulsion and motor technologies including hybrid electric and hydrogen power. Blue Islands is committed to being at the leading edge of these developments.

Blue Islands is involved in two separate Hybrid Electric flight projects involving aircraft development companies and leading UK universities. Both projects aim to fly a 10 seat Hybrid aircraft by summer 2024. We are also working with an overseas company who are developing the conversion of existing aircraft to zero-carbon hydrogen fuel. By its nature, the technology is in development, although the stated public aim is to develop and certify a hydrogen-powered ATR aircraft for commercial flight by 2025.

The short answer is no. And frankly if you don’t want to pay you should probably be looking for another airline. We believe that we have a collective responsibility towards the environment and that the only way to make a difference is for everyone to work together.

The new carbon contribution charge will be included in every Blue Islands fare. It will be included within the headline price you see when searching for flights on the Blue Islands website and through other booking channels.

If you see a price of £49 for your flight, you’ll pay £49 – which will be £48 for your fare and airport/government taxes and £1 to carbon balance your flight. You’ll see this in the itemised basket when you book on the website.

We believe that the Rewild Carbon project costs should be stable for a few years. However, given the unpredictability of the global economy and project costs, we do reserve the right to increase the £1 carbon contribution charge if it is absolutely necessary, for example, if costs or regulation mean that we must.

No. Protecting the environment with a view to creating a Climate Positive airline is unique.

No, your carbon contribution to balance carbon impacts of your flight is automatically included in all fares.

No. If you have an existing booking with us for future travel, we won’t ask for a retrospective carbon contribution chare and we’ll ensure that the carbon impacts from your flight are fully-balanced without you needing to take any action.

If your connecting flight is with our partner airline Loganair, your fare will include a built-in carbon contribution charge. However, if connecting with another airline, please check with the individual airline for its carbon policy.

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