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Jet-setting Teddy Bears

Jet-setting Teddy Bears

The infamous traveller Paddington Bear would have been proud of four little bears that flew in to Jersey from Southampton with Blue Islands.

Dudley, Dora, Eddie and Ella are currently enjoying a break in Jersey from a school in the UK. They flew in with Blue Islands Captain Kerry Holdridge on a flight from Southampton and were greeted at Jersey Airport by pupils from FCJ Primary School.

Reception teacher Donna Lenzi spoke of the children's excitement.

This was an exciting experience for the children in our reception classes. Having real pilots bringing our visitors to us really added that personal touch, especially as Kerry is a past pupil of FCJ. We are very grateful to Blue Islands for giving their time so generously and being wonderful with the children.

The four bears will now experience the sights and sounds of Jersey as they enjoy weekend sleepovers at the children's houses. A journal will be kept by the bears of their time on the island, which will include some holiday snaps.

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