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Joe Redmond

Joe Redmond

Joe's getting stronger

Blue Skies recently shared the story of Joe Redmond, the little boy from Jersey who is currently being treated for a rare bone marrow disorder. Luckily, Joe's sister Holly was a perfect match and in January this year, Holly gave some of her 'magic blood' to Joe.

Since then, Joe has been recovering well in Manchester Children's Hospital and the blood cells have engrafted well, with Joe getting stronger every day. Recently, Joe was allowed out of isolation to visit his family in the apartment they stay in near the hospital. This was the first time Joe has seen his sister Holly since the transplant.

Peter Redmond, Joe's father, is overwhelmed by his son's progress.

Holly and Joe were delighted to be together again after 53 days of separation. Joe is doing so well that he was allowed out of hospital for the weekend on a home visit. He has not yet been completely discharged but this may happen during the next week. We have moved into an apartment close to the hospital where we will spend the next six months or so. During this time Joe will remain in semi-isolation whilst his immune system rebuilds itself. We are a happy and very lucky family.

Follow Joe's progress on 'The Joe Redmond Fund' Facebook page.

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