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Book flexible flights to Newcastle from Jersey or Guernsey via Southampton

Plan your trip to the North East and discover a region rich in modern culture, historical attractions, World Heritage Sites and stunning landscapes. From Newcastle to Durham to Hadrian's Wall and more, the North East of England is easily accessible from Newcastle International Airport.

With one easy booking, find our cheap flights from Jersey and Guernsey to Newcastle via Southampton.


2 x 23kg hold luggage

Advance seat selection

Get home early**

Ticket flexibility***

Missed flight protection^

Newcastle Fact Finder

Where is Newcastle?

The city of Newcastle is situated in the borough of Tyne and Wear and is within North-East England.

What is Newcastle famous for?

Newcastle is famous for its' industrial heritage, brown ale, love of football, and distinct "Geordie" dialect.

Getting around in Newcastle

Explore Newcastle by foot or simply jump on the efficient Metro system or one of the city's many buses and taxis.

Places to visit in Newcastle

The Angel of the North, Gateshead Millenium Bridge, and Beamish, the Living Museum of the North are all places to visit in Newcastle.

What's near Newcastle?

Hadrian's Wall, The North Pennines, Durham, The Lake District, and Northumberland National Park are all near Newcastle.

**Subject to availability, we can only change your booking at the airport. ***Fare difference may apply
^Subject to availability, we can only change your booking at the airport, Blue Islands is not liable for any additional costs incurred.

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