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Book flexible flights direct to Zurich from Guernsey and Jersey

Discover the cosmopolitan city by the water which combines creative urban life with nature in all its glory. Zurich is abuzz with activity day and night with its countless events, diverse museums, own food festival and Switzerland’s most vibrant nightlife. And if you’re after rest and relaxation, you can be in the Swiss mountains in less than an hour.

Whether for business or pleasure, fly from Jersey and Guernsey to Zurich direct in 2022.
Flights operate every Saturday from 14 May until 27 August.


2 x 23kg hold luggage

Advance seat selection

Get home early**

Ticket flexibility***

Missed flight protection^

**Subject to availability, we can only change your booking at the airport. ***Fare difference may apply
^Subject to availability, we can only change your booking at the airport, Blue Islands is not liable for any additional costs incurred.

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